Monday, February 26, 2018

The Will of Elizabeth Martiau Reade of York County, Virginia, 1685

Elizabeth Martiau Reade was the daughter of Capt. Nicolas Martiau and his wife Jane; Elizabeth married Col. George Reade. She was born around 1625, and made her will February 10, 1685, York County, Virginia:
In the name of God, Amen: the 10th day of ffebruary in the year of o’r Lord God one Thousand six hundred eighty and five I Elizabeth Reade of York parish in the County of York being weake in body, but of good and p’fect memory, Thanks be to Almighty God, Calling to Remembrance the uncertain Estate of this transitory life, And that all fflesh must yielde unto Death, when it shall please God to Call, Doe make constitute ordaine and declare This my last Will and Testament In manner and form following Revoking and Anulling by these presents, All and any Testament or Testaments, Will and Wills heretofore made by me and declared either by word or writing, and this is to be taken for my last Will, and Testament and none other, and first being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for any sins past, most humbly desireing for forgiveness for the same, I give and commit my soule unto Almighty God my Saviour and Redemer in whom and by the meritts of Jesus Christ, I trust and believe assuredly to be saved, and that my soule with my body att the Generall Day of Resurrection shall rise again with Joye, and through the meritts of Christ’s Death and passion inheritt the Kingdom of heaven prepared for his Elect, and my body to be decently buryed where and in such place as my sonn Robert Reade shall appoint,
And for the settling my Temporall Estate, such goods, Cattle, Chattells and debts as it hath pleased God farr above my deserts to bestown upon me, I doe order give and dispose of in manner and forme ffollowing, that is to say, that all my Debts, and dues that I owe in Right or conscience to any manner of p’son or p’sons whatsoever, be truly paid in convenient time after my Decease, by my Executor hereafter named.
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my sonn Robert Reade, one Negro man named Peter and Brigitt his wife, and one mollotta boy named Dick, one negro woman named Tony, one ffrench Nickolice Morell, and one woman servant named Mary Jane Tisso, the Said negroes I give unto my said sonn Robert with their increase.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my sonn Ffrancis Reade, one negro man named Sandy one negro woman named Bess, one negro boy named Peter with their increase.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my sonn Benjamine Reade one negro named Will and Jane his wife with their increase.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Reade one negro man named Jeffry Nimino his wife with her child, a Boy named Tom, and one negro boy named Will also one negro man named Jack my said son Thomas Reade Shipping tobacco for England until he hath paid the full summ of twenty five pounds unto my Executor after named, provided itt be not paid before my decease, the said negroes, I give unto my said sonn Thomas with their increase.
 Itm. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Chisman one negro Woman named Kate, one negro woman named Pegg with her child a Mollatta Girle named Dina with their Increase.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Mildred Chisman one negro Girle named Murriah with her Increase.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Eliz. Chisman one negro Girle named Hannah with her increase.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my sonn Benjamin the ffeather bed I lye on with the furniture belonging to itt three pairs of sheets three silver spoons three peuter Dishes and one Iron pott.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my sonn Thomas good ffeather and furniture three pairs of Sheets, three silver spoons three peuter Dishes and one Iron pott.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my Daughters Elizabeth Chisman and Mary Reade all my wearing Apparill to be Equally Divided between them.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my sonn Benjamin one young mare of three or fouer years old.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my sonn Thomas one young mare of three or fouer years old.
Itm. I give unto my son Benjamin two cows of ffouer years old and one heafer with his pportion of the stock of Cattle which belonged unto his Brother George Reade Dec’d according to ye Division already made.
Itm. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mildred Warner the mourning Ring I usually ware.
Itm. My Will and desire is that all such servants Cattle and other movables as shall belonge unto my sonns Benjamin and Thomas Read as before mentioned Remaine and be in the care and custody of my sonn Robert Reade until my said two sonns Benjamin and Thomas come to the age of one and twenty years, allowing my said two sonns such necessaries apparell as they shall have occasion for Duerring there nonage to be allowed out of the pp’itss of their ffore menconed Servants Labors, also my will and desire is that my sonn Robert Reade when my two sonns Benjamin and Thomas doe come to age and Reaceive their Estates, that then they have allowed to each of them by my said sonn Robert, Corn sufficient for one year’s provision for them selves and servants and all their servants sufficiently cloathed.
Itm. My Will and desire is that if itt should please God to take to himself either of my two youngest sonns Benjamin or Thomas before they come to the full age of one and twenty years, That then the Survivor to Injoye and posses whatsoever is given and bequeathed to him that is Deceased, but if itt Should please God that both my said to youngest sonns should Dye before they cum to Age as aforesaid that then my sonns Robert and ffrancis Reade doe posses and injoye whatsoever is given and bequeathed unto my two Sonns Benjamin and Thomas to be equally Divided between them.
Itm. It is my will and Desire and I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my son Robert Reade all my Stock of Cattle sheep, horses, hoggs, goods Chattles, Debts, bills mdse and accounts whatsoever is may or shall be or belong to me nott being already bequeathed to any p’son before expressed. In this my last Will and Testament, nominating appointing and declaring my well beloved Sonn Robert Read the Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament.
It is my Will and Desire that my well beloved Sonn Mr. Thomas Chisman, Mr. Edward Noss and Mr. Thomas Barbar be overseers to See that this my last Will and Testament be Carefully and Truly pperformed.
Signed and Sealed in the presence of
David Condon Tho. Periman Charles his X mark A. Allen
 Elizabeth Reade (X) Seale
Jan’ury the 24th 1686-7.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Will of Nicholas Martiau of York County, Virginia 1656

My ancestor Nicholas Martiau was a slaveholder; he also was one of the first in Virginia to free his slaves when he wrote his will in 1656.

He was born in Île de Ré, an island off the coast of France. Some have claimed that Martiau may have had African ancestry himself, perhaps from early Moorish invasions of Europe.

He was a Huguenot engineer sent by Henry Hastings, Lord Huntingdon, to build fortifications in the Virginia Colony. In 1635, he became one of the first American patriots when he was involved in the ousting of Governor John Harvey, who was subsequently reinstated by the king.

His descendants include President George Washington and Queen Elizabeth II.

From 1635 to 1639, Martiau acquired land patents for property that would become the site of Yorktown. Ironically, the British surrender to his descendant George Washington took place on land that had belonged to Martiau at Yorktown.

His will was written 1 March 1656. The following is my transcription:

I, Nicholas Martian, of the County and Parrish of York Gent: being very sick and weak in body But of Sound and perfect memorie blessed be God doe make ordaine Constitute and appoint this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme as following Revoakeing annuling & making void and by these presents Cancelling & disclaimeing all & all manner of former & other Will or Wills written or Noncupative all Codicells Legacyes & bequests whatever by me att any time before the ensealeing of this my Last Will made signed & sealed or otherwaies by word of mouth of [sic] made & delivered; And appoint this onily to stand & be my Last Will and Testamit as followeth—
Ffirst I be-queath my Soule into the hands of God my maker hopeing & assueredly believeing that when this life shall end I shall through the merrits of Jesus Christ my Redeemer to injoy everlasting Rest and happiness And my Body to the Earth from whence itt came to be decently buried—
Item for that Estate which almighty God hath been plea-sed to lend me in this world I hereby give bequeath & dispose thereof in manner & forme followeing—
Item I give and bequeath to my Eldest Daughter Elizabeth wife of George Read Esq & the heires of her body begotten or to be begotten for ever all that my Divydent of land scituate lying and being in the sd. Parrish and county of York Except as hereunder excepted) with all houses and appurtenances—
Item I give and be-queath to my Daughter Mary Scarsbrook wife of John Scars-brook soe much of my sd. Divydent of Land in York Parrish as is scituate and lying beyound the Swamp (vizt) on the Southward side of that Swamp called commonly Broccas Swamp upon part of which the said John is now seated to be held by the sd. Mary & her heires lawfully begotten & to be be-gotten for ever wth. Th appurtenances—
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Read and her heires for ever my old Mare wth. her whole increase male & female to her and heires except the first Mare foal She shall bring after my decease which I hereby give & bequeath wth. the whole increase thereof to my Daughtr. Sarah wife of Capt. Fuller &—her heirs for ever
Item I give and bequeath to my Loveing Daughter Mary Scars-brook & her heires for ever the Mare Ffoale now running wth. my Mare wth. whole Increase Male & Ffemale—
Item I give and bequeath to my Loveing Daughter Elizabeth Read my watch—
Item I give to my said Daughter Elizabeth and her heires my Grey Gelding but my Sonn John Sca[r]sbrook to make use of him for his occasions—Two yeares after my decease when he shall desyre the Same—
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Fuller wife of Capt. William Ffuller above named and to her heires for ever all that my Divyd ent of land lying in Potomack and conteyneing Two Thousand Acres But in Case itt shall not be seated by some of them (vizt) Capt. Fuller or his said wife or heires att least one month before expiration of time limitted by the Pattent for seateing then the same to be made Sale of Executrixes hereunder named & the produce thereof to be equally dyvyded betweene my said Three loveing Daughters for the good of them & their children—
Item my Will is that within one yeare after my decease all Cattle now in my possession marked wth. my Daughte’s Ffullers mark shall be delivered for the good her and her Children. And I doe alsoe give and bequath to her and her heires for ever ten Cowes more out of my Stock or to be bought out of my Estate with their whole increase, Male and Ffemale, and alsoe a Bull to be delivered within a yeare as abovesaid.
Item I give to my loving sonn George Read Esq. all my weareing apparell except my stuff suite and Coate and new Dimity Caster which I hereby bequeath to my Sonn John Scarsbrook and also Will that Ffive pounds ready money] now lying by me be equally divyded betweene my said Two Son in Lawes—
Item my will that at finishing the next Crop after my Debts are Satisfied my Two Negroes Phill & Nicholas shall be free & that each of them have then deliverd by my Ex-ecutrxes. One Cow & Three Barrells of Corne Cloathes, and also Maybe to build them a house but they or either of them shall hire themselves after their Said Ffreedome or before or Shall remove from the Land here under appointed them then they or he Soe doeing to returne to my Executrices for the good of them and their Children And my Will is that they have land sufficient for themselves to plant in the field where William Leigh lived for their lives or the life of the longer liver of them—
Item I give and bequeath to Hugh Roy lately my Servt. one Three Yeare old Heifer with her increase to be delivered on demand after my decease—
Item I give and bequeth to my abovenamed Two Loveing Daughters. Elizabeth Read and Mary Scarsbrook for the good of themselves & their Children All the rest of my Estate whatsoever in Virginia or elsewhere to be equally divyded be-tweene them but this Divysyon not to be made untill all my Debts & Legacyes be Satisfied which Said severall Debts are to be paid out of the part of my Estate as is given to my said Two daughters. & their Children without any Charge to my Daughter Sarah or her heires.—
Item Lastly, I doe by these presents nominate & appoint & Confirm my two beloved Daughters. Elizabeth and Mary Joint Executrixes of this my Last Will & Testament to see that same performed and kept And in Confirmation of this my Said Last Will and Testament & of every matter Clause & thing therein conteyned I have hereto sett my hand and Seale this First day of March One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Six.
Nicholas Martian
Sealed & Signed in the presence of us
Nicholas Trott
Tho: Ballard
(York County, Deeds, Orders, Wills, No. 1, 1633-1657, 1691-1694, Reel 1, 337-339.)